Thursday 4 July 2013


ALLAH is THE Creator Of this Universe
ALLAH is only one.He Created this Universe and every little thing in this Universe.He is Great ,Powerful, No one can compete with Him.He is with us all the time.
When we need Him we just pray to ALLAH He listen to us and help us whatever the situation is .. We do wrong deeds , we disobey Him but when We need ALLAH He never disappointed us.. Than why don`t we stop doing sins? O ALLAH forgive us.. Today only we are responsible for our condition ALLAH is waiting for us to apologize but we are busy in our life forget everything  about ALLAH n our ISLAM ..HE created us for a purpose we forget it and enjoying our life .. But ALLAH always take care of us .. HE take care of every little insects every Birds HE love us than why don`t we love HIM.. I LOVE ALLAH and you?